Looking for an inspirational read to spend a lazy afternoon in the park or take a break by the lake? Check out these recently excerpted books. SSIR, sharing pioneering ideas to boost your entrepreneurial instincts, technology for the nonprofit workplace, and more. Want something a little shorter? Then check out our recent series of in-depth articles. SSIR Explore unconventional perspectives on big questions about leadership, fashion’s impact on the environment, and the future of social innovation.
The title says it all. The author writes: “Most of us learn leadership and collaboration skills through trial and error and often failure. Worse, we typically stay in self-reinforcing silos, sharing perspectives and frustrations with like-minded people.” and limit our vision of what we can accomplish with people who are different from us.” Don’t lead alone Show readers how to connect your work to other works.
Explore the stories of feminists working every day across sectors. “Grassroots feminists are standing up louder than ever, joining protests in Iran and saying ‘me too’ around the world. These grassroots activists and movements are one of the most effective means of advancing gender justice and other social issues. ”
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Want to become a more creative problem solver? creative hustle We can help you do just that. The authors write: But if you want to challenge the status quo and build a more beautiful world, you need to hone your childlike creativity and combine it with your entrepreneurial instincts. ”
Add this title to your reading list to better understand the emotional work that people of all races must do to pursue healing from systemic inequality. It is sustainable, systemic engagement, not just a box-ticking exercise that ignores deep systemic inequalities and the emotional lives that underpin them. ”
“Is This Idea Good?” This book provides proven strategies for generating and commercializing breakthrough ideas on a daily basis. “What separates world-class entrepreneurs and business leaders from others is not that they have better ideas, but that they have better ways to evaluate ideas.”
Whistleblowers are the protagonists of this rulebook for fighting fraud and corruption.The author, one of the nation’s leading whistleblowing attorneys, examines whistleblowing laws and programs to get it right, and says, “As fraud grows in scale, we need to educate and empower those who come forward with insider information.” There is an increasing obligation to protect and protect from corporate crime. national security and espionage lawsThis is a must-read book about how to protect those who step forward to do the right thing.
AI and Chatbots GPT is in the headlines, but we recommend you read it again. smart nonprofits. The authors raise important questions and concerns that nonprofit leaders should consider when balancing technology with the needs of people inside and outside their organizations. At its core, this is a profoundly human challenge, and it requires informed leadership to act appropriately. ”
Summer is typically a time to take a vacation or lighten your workload, but for many social change leaders, it can be difficult to step away in earnest. In this article series, leaders of the Catalyst 2030 Mental Health Collaboration explore how integrating mental health and social change can create lasting impact.
These essays promise to expand your thinking as the authors provide inspiration and tools to advance leadership that breaks down structural inequities. We also share our experiences navigating the inevitable and necessary disruptions that come with change in an established field.
Can the fashion industry successfully transition to a circular business model? Ken Pucker, former COO of Timerberland, discusses the industry’s circularity shift and the barriers to its adoption, and researchers and experts in the field respond. Don’t miss this topical discussion on environmental impact!
To mark SSIRTo celebrate its 20th anniversary, we asked some of the world’s leading researchers, thinkers, and practitioners to share their thoughts on the challenges that lie ahead and how the field of social innovation should evolve to meet them. I received a contribution. This fascinating collection of essays covers a wide range of topics that are sure to stimulate thought on everything from philanthropy to organizational learning.
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