Author: admin

Quantified Authenticity and subjective well-beingIn Study 1, we analyzed the data of 10,560 Facebook users who had completed a personality assessment and reported on their Life Satisfaction through the myPersonality application31,32. To estimate the extent to which their Facebook profiles represent authentic expressions of their personality, we compared their self-ratings to two observational sources: predictions of personality from Facebook Likes (N = 9237)33 and predictions of personality from Facebook status updates (N = 3215)34. These are based on recent advances in the automatic assessment of psychological traits from the digital traces they leave on Facebook35. For each of the observable sources, we calculated Quantified…

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Cue the Confetti: Help celebrate the Warming House’s 50th anniversary CLICK FOR DETAILS   The FCSC is your headquarters for service learning at SBU. We welcome all members of the university community who have a yearning for justice and peace, respect for life, and a deep reverence for creation. The journey begins with serving others, but also includes reflecting on that experience in the light of faith, integrating it with our studies, and becoming agents for positive change in the Catholic-Franciscan tradition. We believe that such a journey will change lives, transform our campus, and create a better world.The good…

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Netflix’s new documentary “The Social Dilemma” lays out the case against the dominance of big tech companies.The film highlights the concerns of former technology employees who say social media is undermining the common sense of reality that underpins society. “The Social Dilemma” asks viewers to reevaluate their relationship with technology, arguing that social media is eroding democracy.Director Jeff Orlowski is known for his environmental films “Chasing Ice” and “Chasing Coral.” Orlowski said that in “The Social Dilemma,” one of his interviewees described the existential crisis of social media as “cultural climate change.””[Social media] “It changes us in invisible ways through…

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Global development is at a critical juncture. Despite impressive progress over the past few decades, a growing number of challenges are reversing development gains and jeopardizing prospects for continued progress. These include increasing inequalities and declining trust within societies due to climate change, pandemics, and escalating conflicts around the world. Approximately one-third of the world’s population is at risk of exclusion from services, access to markets, and participation in cultural and political spaces. Exclusion can occur based on characteristics such as gender, disability status, age, sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI), ethnicity, race, and migration status. Social sustainability, where people…

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Demonstrators live stream a protest in Chicago, June 1, 2020 (Jabage Logan/Xinhua via Getty) Social media platforms are important for political and social activists. However, while most Americans believe these platforms are effective tools for raising awareness and creating a sustained movement, a majority believe they are distracting and fail to actually bring about change. They also believe they’re making people believe they’re making a difference when they’re not, a new Pew Research Center study finds. . Overall, 8 in 10 Americans say social media platforms are very helpful in raising public awareness about politics and social issues, according to…

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PR DisclaimerThe information contained on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment, legal, tax, or other advice and is not intended to be relied upon when making investment or other decisions. It’s not even a thing. All content is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher do not provide advice regarding legal, economic, investment, or other professional matters or services. PRI Association is not responsible for the content of websites and information resources that may be referenced. Access to these sites or provision of such information resources does not imply endorsement…

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Note: Some of the findings reported here have been updated. For the latest data on social media censorship, read our 2022 blog post. Pew Research Center has been studying the role of technology and technology companies in Americans’ lives for many years. This study was conducted to understand Americans’ views about the role of major technology companies in the political landscape. For this analysis, we surveyed 4,708 U.S. adults from June 16 to 22, 2020. Everyone who took part is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling…

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as catechism of the catholic church “In order to truly receive the body and blood of Christ given for us, we must recognize Him in our poorest brethren” (no. 1397). Masu. “Catholic social teaching is a central and essential element of our faith.” Catholic social teaching emerges from the truths God has revealed to us about himself. We believe in a triune God, which is very communal and social in nature. God the Father sends His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to share the Holy Spirit as a gift of love. God reveals himself to us not as a solitary…

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#BoycottGoya, #Goyaway. Minutes after Goya Foods’ CEO spoke at the White House Roundtable of Hispanic Leaders and praised President Donald J. Trump on July 9, beans, spices, His company, known for its other Hispanic food staples, came under fire on social media. . “We are all so lucky to have a leader like President Trump,” Robert Unanyu said. Tony Award Winner hamilton Star Lin-Manuel Miranda begged for opposition, tweeting:During this pandemic we learned to bake bread, and we can learn to make our own adobo con pimienta” Soon, Trump and his supporters were proudly showing their support. The company sparked…

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Social determinants of health (SDH) are non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the broader forces and systems that shape the conditions of everyday life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development challenges, social norms, social policies, and political systems.SDH has important implications for health inequalities, the unfair and avoidable differences in health outcomes within and between countries. In countries at all income levels, health and disease follow a social gradient. The lower the socio-economic status, the worse the health status.The following list…

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