Author: admin

Economic analysis can shed clear light on the causes and consequences of social unrest The past decade has seen a series of high-profile social protests, including the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter, Gilets Jaunes, and Occupy Wall Street, to name a few. was characterized by. However, although there has been much exploration into its causes and effects, and many commentators have pointed to economic forces, the economics profession has been relatively slow to respond. Indeed, rigorous quantitative economic analysis of social unrest is scarce, and until recently evidence has been limited to isolated cases. But a new panel of IMF…

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The morning my mother died was cold and dark, and the snow fall outside was frenzied and piling high. I’d put my headphones on in the night to block out the loud hiss and moan of my mother’s oxygen machine. I was tired. Less than six months after founding the Youth Media Council, which would later become the organization MediaJustice, doctors told my sister and me that sickle cell anemia, a fatal genetic blood disorder, was finally and actively taking my mother’s life. For three years following the end-stage diagnosis I flew home from Oakland to Brooklyn for one week every month to…

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Open shared link Close shared link Researchers, policy makers, and users have identified several important issues regarding the social media ecosystem. These include the enormous power held by a small number of companies, which undermines innovation and competition. A discussion of the prevalence of false news and the limits of free speech. How social media threatens privacy, election integrity, and democracy. and platform monitoring and transparency. The Social Media Summit at MIT brought together experts to discuss these issues and highlight solutions ranging from new oversight boards to breaking up big companies. “Social media is rewiring humanity’s central nervous system…

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Daniel A. Cox June 29, 2021 As Americans venture back abroad to reclaim their social lives, a new report reveals a profound shift in the nature of American friendships. One of the most important changes revealed in May’s American Perspectives Survey is the decline of close friendships. Over the past three decades, American friendship groups have shrunk and the number of Americans without close friends has soared. But these changes have not affected Americans in the same way. Men appear to suffer a much steeper decline than women. Thirty years ago, the majority of men (55%) reported having at least…

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Story highlights Similar proportions identify as socially liberal and socially conservative in the United States. Economic conservatives have a significant advantage over economic liberals. Democrats have moved leftward on both types of issues over the past 20 years. WASHINGTON, DC — Americans are more sharply divided on social issues than on economic issues, according to a description of topic positions by broad categories of Americans. Roughly the same percentage of U.S. adults now identify as socially liberal (34%), moderate (35%), or conservative (30%). In contrast, Americans are decidedly conservative on economic issues, with 41% identifying their economic views this…

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Carbon emissions not only are causing widespread and potentially irreversible damage to the environment but also may have significant impacts on the economy. Here, Stanford University economists Marshall Burke and Lawrence Goulder explain one tool for understanding those impacts: the social cost of carbon. Burke and Goulder describe what the social cost of carbon is, how it is calculated and used in policymaking, and how it relates to environmental justice. “The social cost of carbon is the single most important number for thinking about climate change,” said Burke. Burke is an associate professor of Earth system science in the School…

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UNDESA World Society Report 2021 Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires an urgent rethinking of rural development. Current strategies and patterns of rural development do not meet either the socio-economic or environmental objectives of this agenda. Four out of five people facing extreme poverty around the world live in rural areas. Many rural areas are experiencing severe depletion and degradation of natural resources, contributing to climate change and the resurgence of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with already high levels of poverty and inequality, threatens to slow progress for the world’s rural people. But…

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new york — The NBA today announced the creation of the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion Award. This is a new annual honor recognizing current NBA players who pursue social justice and uphold the league’s decades-old values ​​of equality, respect and inclusion. The award is named after six-time NBA champion and Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Winners of the award will further Abdul-Jabbar’s mission to drive change throughout the past year, inspiring others to reflect on injustice and take collective action in their communities. The recipient of the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion honor will select…

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COVID-19 has created an unprecedented situation for the world, but it has revealed the incredible risks facing social institutions as they work to cope with its far-reaching effects. . These are the countless organizations fighting for the rights of essential workers, meeting the needs of low-income communities impacted by the disparities exposed by the virus, and critical to ensuring a just and equitable recovery. We are rethinking systems and structures. The need for nonprofits and the critical services they provide has never been greater, yet more than half of these organizations struggle to be financially sustainable and meet that demand.…

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