Author: admin

Organizations with strong social values ​​are increasingly sought after by investors, customers, and employees. As awareness and expectations of social value (the “S” in ESG) increase, organizations are becoming more and more It is becoming increasingly important for companies to take an active role in managing their corporate responsibilities. and ethical solutions. Ricardo’s world-renowned Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) team helps organizations deeply understand and act on the environmental impact of their products and services. They recognize and encourage the growing prevalence of social impact assessment. We asked his LCA team to explain why organizations need to embrace this rising trend,…

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Is it true that using social apps can have a negative impact on your mental health? “The bottom line is, yes, social media can have a negative impact on our mental health,” Holzbauer says. “Younger generations have grown up with social media and the ability to watch anything anytime, anywhere. Our ability to endure the pain of waiting is impaired because you can Google the answer to almost any question. No more waiting to find out who the actor who played Ron Burgundy in Anchorman is or where your nearest library is.” In many ways, social media breaks down barriers…

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___________________________________________________________________________________ embedded in school culture Success may depend on schools avoiding common pitfalls, Jade warns. “They look at this as a one-time professional development day, or maybe a week, for teachers and other school staff,” Jade said. “SEL is not a side lesson. SEL should be taught in any way and with any content. It’s how you structure the space in which learning takes place.” In a metropolitan area like Columbus City Schools in Ohio (47,000 students, 116 schools, 9,000 staff), implementing SEL in a comprehensive manner requires many resources and partnerships. Jade is the Executive Director of Partnership4Success, an…

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Scholars at University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication collect the findings of the relevant research to date. In a speech last year at Stanford, former President Barack Obama noted that “the internet and the accompanying information revolution has been transformative,” and that the age of social media has indeed been accompanied by positive developments. But, he said, “like all advances in technology, this progress has had unintended consequences that sometimes come at a price. And in this case, we see that our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity’s worst impulses.” Obama’s speech, on one level, represented a…

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Scholars at University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication collect the findings of the relevant research to date.In a speech last year at Stanford, former President Barack Obama noted that “the internet and the accompanying information revolution has been transformative,” and that the age of social media has indeed been accompanied by positive developments. But, he said, “like all advances in technology, this progress has had unintended consequences that sometimes come at a price. And in this case, we see that our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity’s worst impulses.” Obama’s speech, on one level, represented a kind…

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From snapping selfies with friends to tagging favorite brands in our Stories, social media has become a large part of our everyday lives. Consumers expect brands to have an active online presence and the ability to answer any questions they have fast. But a poorly timed or worded social post could harm your brand reputation. Yet, 45% of companies don’t have a social media policy for employees in place. Although people may forgive your brand, the internet never forgets, so it’s better to be safe than sorry! Implementing a social media policy will help protect your company and give employees…

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Americans are divided on whether companies should take public positions on political and social issues, with 48% saying they should and 52% saying they shouldn’t. Young people are more likely than older people to think that companies should take a certain stance. 59% of 18-29 year olds think the same, compared to 51% of 30-44 year olds, 41% of 45-59 year olds and 43% of 43 year olds. Percentage of people aged 60 and over. ###Embeddable### This is consistent with young Americans’ concerns about the impact their organizations are having on the world around them. In the same survey, Gallup…

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There are many people who have given up eating meat but still love the taste of it and find value in the freedom of their culinary adventures. “When I go to a friend’s house for dinner, I’m like, ‘Damn, I want to eat all the amazing meat dishes you’ve prepared.'” After living together, she says, she started eating vegetarian at home. Perry says. She’s a plant-based girlfriend during the pandemic. She felt it didn’t make sense for them to cook their own meals. Her relationship then ended, but Perry’s new habits stuck. “I like the way it feels,” she says.…

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 What will happen to organizations in 2023? SHRM Online We heard insights from thought leaders, HR experts, and researchers about what’s in store for the workplace in the new year. social conscience “a [2021] Research shows 6 in 10 employees approve of business leaders being proactive about social issues, and 78% say it’s important to work for a company that values ​​diversity, equity, and inclusion. is the answer. This trend is growing and will continue to see employees care about their workplaces and employees care about their workplaces. ” —Antoine Andrews, Chief Diversity and Social Impact Officer at San…

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Polarization is widely recognized as one of the most pressing issues facing the United States today. Stories frequently make the news about how this country is fractured along partisan lines, and how the internet and social media are exacerbating those fractures. Americans hate their political opponents more than ever before. Meanwhile, disinformation and hate speech, often produced by actors with strong motivations to inflame existing social and political divisions, is proliferating in the digital space. The real-world implications are far from trivial. Consider the violence at the Capitol on January 6th or even more recently Nancy’s assault on Pelosi’s husband.…

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