Author: admin

In response to rising oil and food prices, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi recently hinted that Egyptians should “eat leaves” to survive under the country’s worsening economic situation. Sisi’s comments come as Egypt’s poor find it increasingly difficult to obtain essential goods due to soaring inflation, a shrinking middle class and soaring prices of subsidized goods. . The situation has been exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing global wheat shortage, which has hit Egypt particularly hard as it imports most of its wheat supplies from abroad. Despite Prime Minister Sisi’s 2014 pledge to revive the economy, rising…

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This article is based on research conducted as a part of the CA POST Command College. It is a futures study of a particular emerging issue of relevance to law enforcement. Its purpose is not to predict the future; rather, to project a variety of possible scenarios useful for planning and action in anticipation of the emerging landscape facing policing organizations. The article was created using the futures forecasting process of Command College and its outcomes. Managing the future means influencing it – creating, constraining and adapting to emerging trends and events in a way that optimizes the opportunities and…

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A recent ISS ESG report looked at the environmental, social and corporate governance initiatives that companies are most committed to. The hottest environmental topics related to water and earthiodine diversity, The main topics of social interest were gender equality and labor rights. On the other hand, the theme with the least engagement was corruption. ISS ESG Quarterly Engagement Update for Q4 2022 A total of 195 companies participated across 215 topics. The report highlighted key trends in ESG investing activities of participating investors. ISS ESG, like PLANADVISER, is owned by Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. ESG is in the spotlight as…

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Opioids. Human trafficking. domestic violence. sexual violence. These are all topics that I have delved into in my work. No, I don’t write sensational exposés or insightful nonfiction. I write commercial thrillers and page-turning novels that aim to captivate readers and cheer them up on sleepless nights. My biggest motivation is to entertain people. I live for the art of storytelling. I love creating rich worlds and complex characters that captivate you and keep you spending hours. So why did I choose to introduce readers to such a gruesome and creepy real-world issue like human trafficking? Because I’m not only…

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The EPA is finalizing a very high value for carbon that the federal government can use whenever it leases land to oil drillers or buys new mail trucks. However, the impact on actual policy decisions may be limited. Experts say the agency’s stratospheric social carbon costs ($190 per ton) will make it difficult to tighten regulations or restrict fossil fuel production on federal lands, at least without further legislative or regulatory changes. We may not be able to reduce or make climate-friendly purchasing decisions. “Some say the social cost of carbon is the most important number you’ve never…

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Washington — Both conservative and liberal Americans share fake news because they don’t want to be excluded from their social circles, according to a study published by the American Psychological Association. “Conformity and social pressure are key motivators for the spread of fake news,” said lead researcher Dr. Matthew Asher-Lawson, assistant professor of will science. Inseed, a French business school. “If one of your online peers is sharing fake news, you feel pressured to share it too, even if you don’t know if it’s true or false.” This study Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. According to the Brookings Institution, the…

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March 10th is International SEL Day. If you haven’t heard of it, don’t worry, this is his fourth annual event. SEL Day 2023 brings social and emotional learning to unique moments.Interest in SEL is growing as students struggle to socialize post-pandemic and rapidly changing technology continues to pose new challenges to children’s social and emotional development. At the same time, SEL has faced high-profile resistance as it has become a political football in the larger debate over what should be taught in schools.Educators may find themselves caught in the middle of that tug-of-war. They are trying to walk a public…

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Author: Reese WiersallIn honor of today’s International Women’s Day, we’ve compiled a list of powerful quotes from starship women who have made an impact in our company and beyond. These quotes remind us of the strength, resilience, and wisdom of women throughout history and inspire all of us here at Starship to continue fighting for a more just and equitable world.Despite significant advances in recent years, women remain underrepresented in the technology and startup industries. According to a World Bank report, less than one-third of the global technology workforce is made up of women, and the number is even lower…

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Engineering and computer science students tackle real-world social justice issues such as solving transportation and food equity and advancing women’s rights in Cal State Fullerton’s first ever Engineering Social Justice: Design Challenge. It is working. Led by eight faculty members from the School of Engineering and the School of Computer Science, 15 student teams (69 students total) will pitch their ideas in the competition on March 16th. Students are challenged to identify social problems and conceptualize solutions. Each team will make a five-minute pitch presentation using PowerPoint slides to a panel of industry and faculty…

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Credits Jacob Browning is a postdoc in NYU’s Computer Science Department working on the philosophy of AI. Yann LeCun is a Turing Award-winning machine learning researcher, an NYU professor and the chief AI scientist at Meta. With artificial intelligence now powering Microsoft’s Bing and Google’s Bard search engines, brilliant and clever conversational AI is at our fingertips. But there have been many uncanny moments — including casually delivered disturbing comments like calling a reporter ugly, declaring love for strangers or rattling off plans for taking over the world.  To make sense of these bizarre moments, it’s helpful to start by thinking about the phenomenon…

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