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For years, the research picture on how social media affects teen mental health has been murky. That is changing as scientists find new tools to answer the question. Olivier Douliery /AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Olivier Douliery /AFP via Getty Images For years, the research picture on how social media affects teen mental health has been murky. That is changing as scientists find new tools to answer the question. Olivier Douliery /AFP via Getty Images Back in 2017, psychologist Jean Twenge set off a firestorm in the field of psychology. Twenge studies generational trends at San Diego…

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In today’s overheated housing market, gentrification remains a pressing concern. But disinvestment and decline remain alarmingly common in low-income areas. Between 2000 and 2021, the number of high-poverty census tracts (tracts with a poverty rate above 20%) in the United States increased by more than 50%, from 13,400 tracts to 20,241 tracts.Many of these a declining community is concentrated on low-growth cities in the postindustrial Midwest, Northeast, and South; Because of a troubling history of racism, most residents of these declining neighborhoods are black. “Housing Against the Background of Neighborhood Decline” features a new JCHS working paper, Sociology of housing:…

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Thomas Barwick via Getty images For the latest survey data on social media and tech use among teens, see “Teens, Social Media, and Technology 2023.”  Today’s teens are navigating a digital landscape unlike the one experienced by their predecessors, particularly when it comes to the pervasive presence of social media. In 2022, Pew Research Center fielded an in-depth survey asking American teens – and their parents – about their experiences with and views toward social media. Here are key findings from the survey: Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand American teens’ experiences with social media and their…

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justice requires necessary resources all While helping people live a safe and prosperous life, we respect the history, culture, and experiences of diverse groups. especially People who have been historically marginalized and oppressed. in Education for diversity and social justiceis currently in its fourth edition, and my co-authors and I the goal For social justice: Everyone has fair access to resources and opportunities to develop their full potential, everyone participates democratically with others, and social policies and policies govern civic life. Create a society where mutual formation of institutions is welcomed. of process We believe that achieving social justice necessarily…

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As scientific research over the past decade has shown, loneliness isn’t just a social problem, it’s a physical problem as well. Research on this topic has found a link between social isolation and a variety of physical and mental health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. Knowing this, some social critics are asking once unthinkable questions. Should social contact be treated as a basic need, on par with food, water, sleep, and shelter? Research shows the answer is yes. One reason for this is that we now have a better understanding of how the human body…

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Realizing a greener futureThis Earth Day, we encourage everyone to think about their impact on the environment. At Starship Technologies, we’re proud to be at the forefront of sustainable last-mile delivery, pioneering battery-powered robotic services that are good for business and good for the planet.Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our service areas around the world, reducing the number of cars and delivery vans traveling to and from urban supermarkets and providing choice for U.S. students. This has a significant impact on reducing CO2 emissions. Choose battery-powered robot delivery over traditional food delivery methods.To put our efforts in perspective,…

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The young, popular Republican governor made a national name for himself by imposing a conservative agenda in what had been considered a swing state; early polls showed him a frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination. And then the bottom dropped out following less-than-impressive performances in debates and other national forums. By September 2015, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker withdrew from the race. Then-Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin holding up a $1 bill at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Photo by Gage Skidmore /Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 “Walker could claim a lot of credit with…

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Potential harm is often a concern when it comes to social media use among young people. Parents and policymakers say online platforms such as Instagram and TikTok violate children’s privacy, threaten their safety, and damage their mental health, making them especially susceptible to social media addiction and cyberbullying. I am concerned that this may happen. Additionally, there is a seemingly never-ending series of dangerous and deadly internet “challenges” such as the “blackout challenge” and the “choking game” that challenge children and teens to find themselves engaging in dangerous behavior online. We encourage you to record. While concerns about the potential…

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CNN — The federal district judge who first blocked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the so-called abortion drug mifepristone was the first to block two of Christian talk radio’s discussions about social issues such as contraception and gay rights during the Senate confirmation process. The interview was not revealed. In a private radio interview, Matthew Kacsmarik called being gay a “lifestyle” and expressed concern that new norms for “people who are attracted to the same sex” could lead to conflict with religious groups. and called it the latest in a shift in gender norms, starting with “no-fault…

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The DC Advocacy Immersion at Ohio State University is a special opportunity for students in the College of Social Work. Each spring, the group receives advocacy training and travels to Washington to meet with members of Congress and learn about government advocacy. Students will have the opportunity to share their personal experiences from their work in the social work field with current Ohio senators and representatives.steve davidThe University Advocacy Director will coordinate the trip.“This is what I see happening when students are exposed to the legislative process first-hand,” he says. “It really gives them a sense of validity and also…

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