Author: admin

Elected officials in Colorado can now ban individuals from accessing their social media pages for any reason under a bipartisan bill passed Monday. This is a first-of-its-kind law and has drawn criticism from First Amendment supporters.But with a decisive U.S. Supreme Court decision looming, will the new law be effective?HB23-1306, signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis, aims to draw a line between public and private agency social media pages. Under the law, public pages (such as pages that link directly to your office or are powered by public resources) cannot prevent anyone from interacting with them. But that’s now…

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Story highlights 38% say they are conservative on social issues, up from 33% last year Highest percentage of respondents say they are socially conservative since 2012 44% say they are financially conservative, also the highest since 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. — More Americans (38%) say they are very conservative or conservative on social issues this year than in 2022 (33%) and 2021 (30%). At the same time, the proportion who say their social views are very liberal or liberal has fallen over the past two years from 34% to 29%, respectively, while the proportion who say they are moderate (31%)…

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Updated June 8, 2023, 4:11pm EDTtop line With hot-button social issues like abortion and transgender rights dominating politics, more Americans identify as socially conservative than they did in 2019, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday. It’s the highest since 2007, and marks a change from a time when Americans were nearly as likely to identify as socially conservative. They say they are socially conservative and liberal at the same time. They are more likely to identify as socially conservative than socially liberal.Manuel Balce Senator/AP Photo important facts Gallup’s annual values ​​and beliefs poll conducted in May found that 38%…

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There has been a significant surge in the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to address various problems and challenges. The rise of AI in particular is reshaping nearly every industry, profession, and field of study, but such innovations can have unintended consequences with new norms, new expectations, and new rules and laws. is common. To foster deeper understanding, the Social and Ethical Responsibility of Computing (SERC), a cross-cutting initiative of the MIT Schwarzman School of Computing, recently launched a collaboration between social scientists and humanists, computer scientists, and engineers. , and other computing faculty, to demonstrate how the wide…

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top line With hot-button social issues like abortion and transgender rights dominating politics, more Americans identify as socially conservative than they did in 2019, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday. It’s the highest since 2007, and marks a change from a time when Americans were nearly as likely to identify as socially conservative. They say they are conservative and socially liberal at the same time. For the first time in a decade, Americans are more likely to identify as socially conservative. … [+] Because I’m socially liberal.Manuel Balce Senator/AP Photo important facts Gallup’s annual values ​​and beliefs poll conducted…

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“The biggest drivers of runaway spending are the New Deal, the Great Society programs, Social Security, and Medicare that Americans depend on every day,” Pence said in his inaugural address.If left unaddressed, he argued, the program’s burden would “shatter the future” of the next generation.His stance is in direct conflict with former President Donald Trump, who has flatly rejected cuts to the two programs and criticized DeSantis over his past support for restructuring proposals. Both Trump and President Joe Biden have attacked DeSantis from the same angle.Mr. DeSantis has since reversed his stance, declaring in recent months that Republicans are…

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(c) Ben Small/HelpAge International Otho Augustino gets off his bike as he arrives to deliver information to his local village community. Millions of older people live in poverty across Africa. Without pensions and the loss of traditions of family support, many have no choice but to continue working in small-scale, low-wage farming or small-scale trades into old age. For people with disabilities or poor health, working may not be an option. Without a stable income, older people live precarious lives on the brink of poverty. Social pensions are the key to solving this problem. These have great potential to reduce…

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In focus groups, highly engaged social media users describe the purposes that different platforms serve for them, their choices about what to reveal and how they try to anticipate any hostile reactions that could be lurking Behind each sweeping exploration of the role social media plays in society stand the unique stories of Americans and their online lives. People bring deeply personal needs to social media, and their experiences play out in deeply personalized ways, tied to the platforms and communities they are part of. These platforms can host nearly any imaginable human encounter or emotion, from powerful self-expression and…

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This year’s annual meetings of U.S. companies showed an overall decline in investor support for environmental and social initiatives, reflecting a reluctance toward prescriptive proposals and growing political pressure. The decline in enthusiasm was evident at companies as diverse as Amazon, ExxonMobil and United Parcel Service. Petitions calling on U.S. companies to do more on climate change received an average of 23% shareholder support through the end of May this year, down from 36.6% last year, according to the Sustainable Investment Institute, a nonprofit data provider. . Shareholder proposals on human rights accounted for 21.6% of the total votes cast,…

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Media influence and traditional beauty standards have plagued society for a long time. The issue took on new urgency in May 2023 when the U.S. Surgeon General issued a major public advisory on the link between social media and youth mental health. Research shows that images of beauty, such as those portrayed in movies, television, and magazines, can lead to problems such as mental illness, eating disorders, and body image dissatisfaction. These trends have been documented among women and men, the LGBTQ+ community, and people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Experts have long suspected that social media plays a…

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