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Some young people report benefits of using social media, such as feeling connected. However, it can also come with risks, including negative effects on mental health.Social media plays a huge role in the lives of young people today.Approximately 95% of young people aged 13 to 17 use at least one social media platform. More than 1 in 3 of them reported using social media almost all the time. The most common social media platforms used by these young people are TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. This article explains the benefits and risks of using social media. We also provide tips on…

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Symptoms of ADHD, such as impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity, can cause difficulty in social situations. People with ADHD may talk over others, have difficulty paying attention, and misinterpret social cues.Social skills are patterns of behavior that help people communicate effectively. These include verbal signs and non-verbal signs such as gestures and body language. Some people with ADHD are unable to recognize when their behavior does not conform to accepted norms. This can make it difficult to form and maintain friendships. However, treatment and other management strategies can help people with ADHD improve their social skills and develop better relationships.This article…

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A task force to revise Ohio’s K-12 social studies standards in line with the “American Born Right” model promoted by pro-Trump groups will base the standards on an Ohio House amendment bill currently under consideration. by a committee that would take more time to formulate. But that schedule doesn’t provide enough time, some Democrats on the committee argued during a recent hearing on House Bill 103. The bill would direct the task force to develop academic standards for K-12 social studies, and the bill mentions a specific model called “American Born Right.” The model, developed by the Trump-aligned right-wing group…

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From honorary reporter Erica Orellana from BoliviaPhoto = Erica Orellana & KOICA Bolivia OfficeThe documentary “Waway: Seeds of Hope,” directed by Kim Sung-min, a volunteer at the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Bolivia office and a broadcast journalist, premiered on May 3 in La Paz, Bolivia. This 30-minute documentary explores water scarcity, child malnutrition, and sex education through the stories of three families in rural Bolivia. “Waway” means “my child” in the indigenous Quechua language, and director Kim described it as “the perfect title for a documentary about children.” She added that despite the heavy subject matter, she hopes her…

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What is Social Mobility Awareness Day? Social Mobility Awareness Day is an initiative organised by Making The Leap, which exists to help raise awareness around social mobility. Put simply, social mobility is about the link between where a person starts in life and where they end up. It is still the case that in the UK your socio-economic background has an impact on your opportunities in life. Improving social mobility is about trying to break that link and create an environment in which people from low-income backgrounds have the same opportunities to succeed. The theme of this year’s Social Mobility…

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Sustainability, ESG three pillars, SDGs When we talk about sustainability, we are talking about: A development model that allows the needs of the present to be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.. It is a holistic approach that considers the social, environmental and economic impacts of actions and decisions made today. From a historical perspective, the concept of sustainability was formulated at the first United Nations Environment Conference in 1972, but it really took shape in the so-called brundtland report (“Our Common Future”) articulated the goals of sustainable development. The same report introduces…

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Nowadays, when accidents, epidemics, and other disasters occur, a second tragedy has begun to occur: disinformation.Immediately after the accident, two falsehoods were spread. One is that there was a mosque near the accident site, and the other is that the stationmaster in question was a Muslim. In a variation on this theme, there was speculation that many Rohingya Muslims lived in Balasore.Also read | Editor’s note: India’s worst rail disaster since 1995On June 3, the handle @randomsena of ‘The Random India’ tweeted a cropped drone image of the accident site with an arrow pointing to a corner with a vague…

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While it wasn’t the biggest news last week, Gallup made headlines with a poll that found social conservatism had risen to its highest level in a decade. The number of Americans who say they are conservative on social issues has increased to 38% from 33% in 2022 and 30% in 2021, while the number who classify themselves as socially liberal has increased from This decreased from 34% in two years to 29%. But is it really true? Is social conservatism on the rise? Gallup’s somewhat surprising conclusion comes from a single question: “Thinking about social issues, do you consider your…

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While it wasn’t the biggest news last week, Gallup made headlines with a poll that found social conservatism had risen to its highest level in a decade. The number of Americans who say they are conservative on social issues has increased to 38% from 33% in 2022 and 30% in 2021, while the number who classify themselves as socially liberal has increased from This decreased from 34% in two years to 29%. But is it really true? Is social conservatism on the rise? Gallup’s somewhat surprising conclusion comes from a single question: “Thinking about social issues, do you consider your…

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This article has been reviewed in accordance with Science X’s editorial processes and policies. The editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the authenticity of the content: got it! Written by Khoi Thu: Informed Futures Center Credit: Claudette Wicks on Unsplash × close Credit: Claudette Wicks on Unsplash New Zealand’s status as a cohesive and trusted nation is under strain from political, economic and environmental pressures, and is further exacerbated by technological disruptors. As we approach a general election that will inevitably expose the country’s political fault lines, Koitu: The Center for an Informed Future has released a discussion…

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