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The concept of social justice implies that societies can be ranked from least to most moral, implicitly evaluating outcomes rather than processes or institutions. In practice, social justice is inherently Marxian, assuming it is morally preferable for wealth to be allocated in favor of virtuously productive workers, rather than to capitalists, who Marx defines as unproductive, exploitative parasites who contribute nothing to society, unjustly taking the lion’s share of what is produced. This purportedly moral dimension has enabled social justice to outlast other Marxian fallacies, such as as the labor theory of value. Jesuit priest Msgr. Luigi Taparelli d’Azeglio (1793-1862)…

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On 24 February 2022, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, causing the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. As of September 2022, 7.5 million Ukrainians had fled to other European countries—0.4 million to the Czech Republic alone, making the Czech Republic the country hosting the highest per capita number of Ukrainian refugees among all countries, at 37 Ukrainian refugees per 1000 inhabitants (UNHCR, 2022).The influx of refugees has put many Czech public services under an unprecedented strain, with the educational system among the most affected: 32% of the Ukrainian refugees fleeing to the Czech Republic were children…

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Older people who have less social contact with others have lower overall brain volume and dementia risk compared to people who have more frequent social contact, according to research published in the journal Jul. 12, 2023. It is possible that the affected brain areas are more likely to be reduced. , published online neurology®Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology. This study does not prove that social isolation causes brain atrophy. Just show the relevance. Social isolation has become a serious problem for older people. These results suggest that supporting people to initiate and maintain connections with others…

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According to the 2023 U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory Report on Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health, social media has both positive and negative effects on children and adolescents. The report prompted a survey by to find out how parents feel about the impact social media has on their children. These results are fairly one-sided. Corey Wagner is a senior industry analyst at “So 98% of parents studyAlthough this is a very important number, we believe that social media is dangerous for users under 18 years of age. And primarily, their biggest concern was children being exposed to age-inappropriate…

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Discord has introduced parental controls similar to those employed by prominent social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube.In the past, Discord’s philosophy has rejected this concept, emphasizing a focus on the needs of users rather than those of parents.The release of these parental controls comes amid heightened scrutiny of teen social media use and mental health issues, with social media focused on giving teens a platform to compliment each other. It follows the acquisition of Gas by media app Discord.In this illustration taken on March 29, 2021, headphones can be seen in front of the displayed Discord…

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Pakistan’s first foreign minister, Mohammad Zafarullah Khan, was a prominent jurist and member of the Ahmadi community. However, despite the historic appointment in 1947, religious discrimination continues in the country. The recent case of prominent Princeton University professor Atif Mian, who was forced to resign from Pakistan’s Economic Advisory Council because of his religion, is a clear example of the ongoing struggle for religious tolerance and inclusion. In his first speech, Prime Minister Jinnah made it clear that individuals, irrespective of their religion, caste or creed, have the freedom to worship at their preferred place of worship in Pakistan. Despite…

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One of the biggest concerns parents have is how to help their children navigate social media. It’s not surprising this is a question front and center in our minds. A recent Pew Research Center report found that over a third of teens say they spend “too much time” on social media, and over a third of teens say they are using social media platforms like TikTok “almost constantly.” Questions about social media use in children are also top of mind for the United States Surgeon General and the American Psychological Association (APA), who both released advisories recently to heighten the…

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Humans have been searching for new ways to communicate since the dawn of time. Forms of communication have included grunting, cave drawings, speech, letter writing, sign language and email. Then along came social media. Social media platforms focus on communities and mass participation. Instead of knowing an individual’s private contact information in advance, social media users can find old friends and new like-minded people. Today people can contact each other from opposite sides of the world in less than a second, share files through the cloud and watch the same video simultaneously despite being miles apart. Through these platforms,…

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term Social media It can be misunderstood.This term includes the word “social” but may not actually be Social networks of the past included genuine human interaction, such as bowling clubs, sewing clubs, and Masonic lodges. Today, some people sit at home and type on their computers and smartphones in search of human interaction through social networking. According to Statista, there will be 302 million social media users in the United States as of 2023, many of whom have multiple accounts such as Facebook and Twitter. Social media is impacting our society in both positive and negative ways. People can…

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In the era of carbon offsets and corporate responsibility, companies have become accustomed to using charitable donations to solve public relations problems. But given that these companies wield so much influence and shape our daily lives in unprecedented ways, we must remember that integrity matters more than empty words. It won’t. One example is Adidas’ decision to sell off its unsold Yeezy sneakers, which Kanye West was able to profit from despite a series of gross anti-Semitic comments last year. The Yeezy brand became a profitable base for Adidas and was hailed as his most successful sportswear collaboration since Michael…

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